Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fix for Adobe Flash Player application error 0x710

So you open your browser and an error pops up indicating that adobe flash plugin application failed with 0x710 at location 0x777fa389 .

This is what worked to fix my problem.


Disable hardware acceleration in Flash

Many Flash problems can be resolved by disabling hardware acceleration in your Flash Player settings (Adobe's Flash Player Help - Display Settings page has details). To disable hardware acceleration in Flash:
  1. Go to this Adobe Flash Player Help page
  2. Right-click on the Flash Player logo on that page.
  3. Click on Settings in the context menu. The Adobe Flash Player Settings screen will open.
  4. Click on the icon at the bottom-left of the Adobe Flash Player Settings window to open the Display panel.

  5. Remove the check mark from Enable hardware acceleration.
  6. Click Close to close the Adobe Flash Player Settings Window.
  7. Restart Firefox. 

 IF that doesnt work then try this... 

Disabling Protected Mode in Flash 11.3

You can disable Protected Mode in Flash 11.3 and above by adding the line ProtectedMode=0 to the Flash "mms.cfg" file located in one of these locations: [44]
(Windows 32bit) C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash
(Windows 64bit) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
For example, on a Windows 7 64-bit system, open the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash folder, copy the file "mms.cfg" to the desktop, open it in Notepad, add a new line ProtectedMode=0 and then close Notepad, saving your changes. Next, go back to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash folder, rename the original file to "mms.cfgBAK" (to save it as a backup) and then drag and drop in the modified "mms.cfg" file from the desktop. [45] [46] [47]

Note: To re-enable Flash Protected Mode, either restore a backup of the original mms.cfg file, if you saved one, or else re-edit the mms.cfg file to remove the ProtectedMode=0 line you added. Updating Flash Player or installing a newer version does not automatically re-enable Protected Mode. [48] [49]

If you try to save this and it doesnt allow it.. change the permissions on the mms.cfg file to allow you to have full access to it.

To change file permissions in Windows 7:
    Folder and file permissions
 Here are the steps to modify ownership and permissions of folders and files:
  1.       Right-click the file or folder, click Properties, and then click the Security tab.
  2.       Click Advanced, and then click the Owner tab.
  3.       Click Edit, and then do one of the following:
 ·         To change the owner to a user or group that is not listed, click Other users and groups and, in Enter the object name to select (examples), type the name of the user or group, and then click OK.
  ·         To change the owner to a user or group that is listed, in the Change owner to box, click the new owner.
  4.       If you want to take ownership of the contents of the folder, select the Replace owner on sub containers and objects check box.
  5.       Click OK, and then click Yes when you receive the following message:
          You do not have permission to read the contents of directory folder name. Do you want to replace the directory permissions with permissions granting you Full Control?
          All permissions will be replaced if you click Yes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Macbook new disk and unable to resize partition to take advantage of new space

I ran into a problem with a macbook after cloning a hard drive and the partition would not resize to take advantage of new space.The following blog helped me solve the issue.

Thanks to:

This is because the GUID partition table (GPT) is built for the size of the drive it's created on. And that's a pretty logical assumption... until you consider RAID, or virtual disks.

All we need to do is remove the GPT and rebuild it. We're not deleting the actual partition, so as long as you remember the start and size information for the partition you should be able to back-track if things get messy. I have been successful with this technique, but as always when dealing with important data - try to back up before you proceed!

Boot from your Leopard DVD

Open Utilities - Terminal...

Find the disk you want to expand (mine was /dev/disk1s1, we'll use this as an example from now on):

Unmount the disk
umount /dev/disk1s1

Display GPT info for the disk:
gpt show /dev/disk1
NOTE: we remove the slice number from the name (disk1s1 becomes disk1)

Note down the numbers for start and size for your partition.

Unmount the disk again.
umount /dev/disk1s1

Remove the GPT:
gpt destroy /dev/disk1

Create a new (empty) GPT:
gpt create -f /dev/disk1

Add a new entry for our disk to the GPT:
gpt add -b -s /dev/disk1

so in my case the command would be:
gpt add -b 409640 -s 41009112 /dev/disk1

Reboot. Now you can use Disk Utility to resize your partition without errors.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Panasonic Toughbook CF-W8 keyboard removal/replacement

You should have some experience so i wont go into exact detail except where needed to remove the keyboard.

1. Remove hard drive and battery.
2. Take the screws out of the bottom case.
3. Under the hard drive and battery there are 4 plastic tape like covers over clips that hold the keyboard in. Remove the tape like covers and use a phillips head screw driver to slide the clips toward the front of the laptop. Important! Take note of the clip orientation. The tabs that slide under the keyboard are bent in such a way to apply force to keep the keyboard solid to the bottom case. Put the clips back in with the same orientation.

4. Use a spudger (small blade or something similar) to gently pry up the bottom rt hand side of the keyboard. Slide the spudger under the keyboard and gently twist to release the double sticky tape between the keyboard and bottom case. The ribbon cable for the keyboard is toward the bottom right side of the keyboard so work your way counter clockwise around the keyboard to gently pry away from the top case.

5. There is another tape like sticker that covers the hole for the ribbon cable going through the top case you will need to remove the sticker, again gently. Start from the side closest to the back of the laptop and work your way toward the front to expose the connector on the motherboard.

6. slide the clip on the motherboard toward the front of the laptop to release the keyboard cable for removal.

Hope this helps.. leave a comment if it does please..

HHI Computer Guy
Check out our website at

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt C:\windows\system32\config\system

When your computer restarts you find an error message that says:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt

I have had success with this with versions of XP including Media Center

First get Hirens boot disk, download it on another computer and create a dvd from the image using img burn or windows 7 or 8 by right clicking and select Burn Disk Image.

Put the newly created Hirens  in the computer with a problem and boot to CD.
Select Mini XP
Then open two explorer windows
Navigate one explorer window to: C:\windows\system32\config
Rename the system file to system.OLD

Navigate the other explorer window to C:\system volume information      folder

Once you open that folder, navigate to the only folder  “_restore{xxxxxxxxx}”

You should see a bunch of other folders here find the one withe the highest number in the name and then select the one smaller than the highest number.

In this folder there will be another folder and you will find a bunch of _REGISTRY_xxx files
Copy the __REGISTRY_MACHINE_SYSTEM file and paste it into the  other explorer window at C:\windows\system32\config

Then rename the newly pasted file __REGISTRY_MACHINE_SYSTEM to just system to replace the one you renamed.

Reboot your computer.. it should work.. You might have to let windows xp run a diskcheck.. but it will be worth the wait.

Good luck.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Windows SBS 2008 - Renew Certificates

Ok. Your certificates expired on Windows SBS 2008. Here is the fix.
Open your Windows SBS Console.
Select the Network Icon
Select the Connectivity Tab
Select Fix my network under the tasks on the right side
Once the wizard runs check the item to re-issue the certificate
Right mouse on Certificate select Open Certificate Installation Package

An explorer window will show where you will find the zip archive
Send to remote client and install the package on the client (InstallCertificate.exe run as administrator)

Go about your happy way!
Please comment if this has helped.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Brown & Sharpe PFX FBPC Controller Power Supply

Had a problem with my Brown & Sharpe PFX 454 Coordinate Measuring Machine or CMM with a FBPC controller today.  When I powered it up I could hear the fan blowing but no power to the joystick nor the AB Angle PHD box. I tried bypassing the relay (little black box) and powered right directly to the probe head controller (bigger black box) and it powered on as well as the PHD that showed the angles of the probe.

Still the joystick did not power right up as it usually does.

I checked the air pressure (55# at the machine) and the other usual things. Then I tried connecting to the controller with my XP laptop via hyperterminal. Once connected I held the ctrl key and typed e c b expecting the READY reply from the controller.. instead I had a happy face and some weird symbol.

I opened the cover of the controller and there were no lights on the main board (not the motherboard).  There are usually two lights on the main board one that is steady and one that blinks like a heart beat.

It turned out that the problem was the power supply. When I tore it down the power supply was very odd in its form factor and its connectors. There appeared to be two straight 6 pin molex type connectors. Very strange. I could not find a replacement power supply anywhere. the Bytech Model:APC080CE 80 watt


There was also a sticker on it that said POWER SUPPLY with a number 180-406-789. I checked online everywhere and could not find one. The one place I did. I called and they no longer had it in stock.

I finally was able to track another controller down from a buddy. In doing so the first thing I did was to check out the voltages from the power supply.

From the power supply side of the motherboard away the following colored wires were present with their respective voltages

For the first 6 pin connector
red +5V
red +5V
red +5V
wht -5V
blk 0V -- Assume Ground
blk 0V -- Assume Ground

For the second 6 pin connector
blk 0V -- Assume Ground
blk 0V -- Assume Ground
cyan 12.5V -- (probably should be 12V according to specs above for the PS)
yel 12.5V
red +5v
orange +5V

If anyone can find a power supply like this or connectors like this please let me know!