Monday, March 25, 2013

Brown & Sharpe PFX FBPC Controller Power Supply

Had a problem with my Brown & Sharpe PFX 454 Coordinate Measuring Machine or CMM with a FBPC controller today.  When I powered it up I could hear the fan blowing but no power to the joystick nor the AB Angle PHD box. I tried bypassing the relay (little black box) and powered right directly to the probe head controller (bigger black box) and it powered on as well as the PHD that showed the angles of the probe.

Still the joystick did not power right up as it usually does.

I checked the air pressure (55# at the machine) and the other usual things. Then I tried connecting to the controller with my XP laptop via hyperterminal. Once connected I held the ctrl key and typed e c b expecting the READY reply from the controller.. instead I had a happy face and some weird symbol.

I opened the cover of the controller and there were no lights on the main board (not the motherboard).  There are usually two lights on the main board one that is steady and one that blinks like a heart beat.

It turned out that the problem was the power supply. When I tore it down the power supply was very odd in its form factor and its connectors. There appeared to be two straight 6 pin molex type connectors. Very strange. I could not find a replacement power supply anywhere. the Bytech Model:APC080CE 80 watt


There was also a sticker on it that said POWER SUPPLY with a number 180-406-789. I checked online everywhere and could not find one. The one place I did. I called and they no longer had it in stock.

I finally was able to track another controller down from a buddy. In doing so the first thing I did was to check out the voltages from the power supply.

From the power supply side of the motherboard away the following colored wires were present with their respective voltages

For the first 6 pin connector
red +5V
red +5V
red +5V
wht -5V
blk 0V -- Assume Ground
blk 0V -- Assume Ground

For the second 6 pin connector
blk 0V -- Assume Ground
blk 0V -- Assume Ground
cyan 12.5V -- (probably should be 12V according to specs above for the PS)
yel 12.5V
red +5v
orange +5V

If anyone can find a power supply like this or connectors like this please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. We stock the replacement 150w power supply upgrade kit for your B&S FBPC Controller. Please contact us to place your order.

    Mike Berger
    Midwest CMM Services
    636-519-0699 or
